Thursday, May 28, 2020

This "Swara Sthambha" (Musical Pillar) of Hampi is not just a stone & Sculpture.

When you visit a temple each "Shila" has volumes of information to convey us.

This single amazing work on the hardest rock in the world has more than 30 elements of which I chose 8 to explain.

1) Bhitta - Base, with events related to trade, commerce & Military.
2) Jaadyakumbha - is the invertion of a Bud opening generally the Padma/Lotus.

3) Graasapatta - a band of Kirtimukhas, Simhamukhas, Asva or Gaja to avoid Drishti or Dosha.

4) Kapota - Usually birds like pigeons sit in this area, so the name.
5) Mancha Bhadra - Square shaped pedestal/base.
6) Swara Sthambha - the main part of pillar sculpted in to 12 different smaller pillars that produce music nodes

7) Seersha - the final or the head, with different yalis

8) Dandachadya - the Chajja/Eave. This Chajja is unique because the design that's only possible on wood construction is brought on to stone. "Mera Bharath Mahan"

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